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Premiering At Fresh Grass Festival "Tears" Short Film Starring Sierra Ferrell & Ozzie Juarez with Live Performance by Composer Andrew Yee

Books Editor ~ 9/26/2024
As part of the Fresh Scores program at MASS MoCA - Director Zinzi Gugu Johnson 's debut showcases a soulful exchange of tears for lost love , each other , and the world.WHAT : `` Tears '' Premiere at Fresh Grass FestivalWHEN : Sat . September 21st , WHERE :

As part of the Fresh Scores program at MASS MoCA - Director Zinzi Gugu Johnson's debut showcases a soulful exchange of tears for lost love, each other, and the world.

WHAT: "Tears" Premiere at Fresh Grass FestivalWHEN: Sat. September 21st,WHERE: MASS MoCAWHO: Director Zinzi Gugu Johnson, composer/cellist Andrew YeeVIDEO CLIP

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pieces Of Orange Productions debuts TEARS with a live score from celebrated trans cellist and composer Andrew Yee on Saturday, Sept 21m, 2024, at the Fresh Grass Festival in North Adams, MA, as part of Fresh Scores at the Hunter Center at MASS MoCA at 2:30 pm EST. The short film is about a real-life encounter wherein two nonactors met for the first time and then wept together in earnest. Shot on 2-Perf 35mm film, we see artists Sierra Ferrell and Ozzie Juarez cry privately. 

Sierra Ferrell and Ozzie Juarez in TEARS
Sierra Ferrell and Ozzie Juarez in TEARS
Sierra Ferrell in TEARS
Sierra Ferrell in TEARS

Filmmaker Zinzi Gugu Johnson imagined TEARS' look and void-like context in a deep trance. Yet its simple setup is in direct and obvious conversation with Marina Abramović's "A  minute of silence." It is part of a larger ongoing body of work called Feelings.

TEARS is a cathartic offering. Knowing that there is no narrative besides the soulful exchange of tears, the crying between man and woman becomes more significant than another tale about the dark side of love. The simplicity of the concept empowers their performances.

"I have big ears and love to listen more than to speak." "I believe deeply in the healing power of crying for reasons related to joy and pain. I take the world's problems personally, which is both a blessing and a curse for me and probably the world," says Johnson.

Building on her decade-long work and relationships in the music industry, Johnson pulled together a superstar cast and crew to bring an exquisite art film to life. From onscreen co-stars country artist Ferrell and painter on the rise Juarez to VICE seasoned cinematographer Tyler Weinberger, stop animator and Tom Waits collaborator Ri Crawford, and indie hair and makeup darling Leticia Llesmin, the talent matched the need for analog film stock, and the shared vision shows on screen.

A live musical score from trans cello starlet Andrew Yee accompanies TEARS. Yee composed the music for the piece and performed it with her signature grace, style, and Jimmy Hendrix-like bravado. Cello music is the simplest way to open the heart and soul; the cello is as expressive as the human voice. Internal chaos can be quieted by the simplicity and direct nature of "TEARS"; this is an invitation to sit still and be.  

More Information:

Media Contact: Heidi Johnson | Hijinx Arts | [email protected] | 323.204.7246

SOURCE Pieces Of Orange Productions



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Photo by Zsófia Fehér via Pexels

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